Johnes Biosecurity Plan
Please see below the preferred Biosecurity Plan which needs to be completed (including Section 7 for Johne’s Disease) by 30 June 2017 if you wish to maintain your current Transitional J-BAS score. If you do not have a Biosecurity Plan in place by 30 June 2017 your herd will drop to J-BAS 0.
For entry of cattle to WA the minimum J-BAS score is J-BAS 7 for Qld and NT herds and J-BAS 8 for herds in all other states.
For entry of cattle to NT the minimum J-BAS score is J-BAS 6 although some NT breeders may require a higher (J-BAS 7) level.
To maintain a J-BAS level of 7 or 8 you will need to conduct a Check Test (up to 50 animals over two years of age) by 30 June 2018.
From 1 October 2017 a requirement of the Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) program is that you must have a Farm Biosecurity Plan which will be subject to audit by LPA. The attached Biosecurity Plan is acceptable/recommended for LPA.
You may answer “No” or “Not Applicable” to some sections of the fillable cut down LBN Biosecurity Plan. You may also find that some veterinarians are not prepared to sign the document. Simply file the completed document and have it available should a purchaser of your cattle request to see the Biosecurity Plan at any time in the future.
As previously advised under the Transitional Arrangements for the Deregulation of BJD the following J-BAS scores were given to herds for the period to 30 June 2017.
- Cattle MAP MN1, MN2 & MN3 herds were given a J-BAS score of 8
- Free Zone (WA) herds were given a J-BAS score of 8
- Protected Zone (QLD and NT & pastoral SA) were given a J-BAS score of 7
- Beef Protected Area beef herds (NSW and non pastoral SA) were given a J-BAS score of 7
- Herds which qualified as “Beef Only” in the Management Area (Vic and Tas) were given a J-BAS score of 7
Alex McDonald