20 Dec

2016 Royal Melbourne Results

Results from the 2016 Melbourne Royal Show are as follows:

Heifer 9-12 Months 1st RDMG Ginger Kiss L7- RDM Angus 2nd Bolton Girls Whispers Lil’ Legend- Bolton Girls

Heifer 12-16 Months 1st Jillangolo Loulou- L & M Llewellyn & Co 2nd Jillangolo Lanelle- L & M Llewellyn & Co

Heifer 16- 20 Months 1st Mt Charlie Lucy Sensation- Paul Rathbone & Michael Seifried 2nd Claremont Red Looking Good- Jeff & Sue Boland 3rd Bolton Girls Whispers Legacy- Bolton Girls 4th Rosewood Lady Impish- Andrew & Nyssa Kelly

Junior Champion Heifer- RDMG Ginger Kiss L7- RDM Angus Reserve Junior Champion Heifer- Bolton Girls Whispers Lil’ Legend- Bolton Girls

Cow or heifer 24-36 Months 1st Barregowa Jubilee Diffy J04- Garry & Shelley Turnham

Cow over 36 months 1st GK Red Ruby Stone H2- Andrew & Nyssa Kelly

Senior Champion Cow- GK Red Ruby Stone H2- Andrew & Nyssa Kelly Reserve Senior Champion Cow- Barregowa Jubilee Diffy J04- Garry & Shelley Turnham

Grand Champion Female- GK Red Ruby Stone H2- Andrew & Nyssa Kelly

Bull 9-12 months 1st RDMG Red Solo Cup L6- RDM Angus 2nd Rosewood Little Trooper- Andrew & Nyssa Kelly

Bull 12-16 Months 1st Barregowa Lieutant Redman L01- Gary & Shelley Turnham

Bull 16-20 Months 1st BJS Spy- Ben Fraser 1nd Bolton Girls Whispers Lieutenant- L & M Llewellyn & Co and CAS Cowcher & Son 3rd Rosewood Lord Stout Stone- Andrew & Nyssa Kelly 4th Gapco Red Las Vegas L67- Gapco Farms

Junior Champion Bull- Barregowa Lieutant Redman L01- Gary & Shelley Turnham Reserve Junior Champion Bull- BJS Spy- Ben Fraser

Bull 20-30 months 1st Goonoo Red Kaizer- Jeff & Sue Boland

Senior Champion Bull- Goonoo Red Kaizer- Jeff & Sue Boland Grand Champion Bull- Barregowa Lieutant Redman L01- Gary & Shelley Turnham

Supreme Exhibit- GK Red Ruby Stone H2- Andrew & Nyssa Kelly

Junior Pair, Bull & Heifer under 20 months 1st RDM Angus 2nd Rosewood Red Angus

Best Three Head, both sexes 1st Rosewood Red Angus

Most successful exhibitor- Gary & Shelley Turnham


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