Power of Red Sale 2020 – Update
Power of Red VI has changed Format to a Video On-line sale. Our quality offering including 20 bulls and six females is unchanged but cattle will remain at vendors’ properties.
- Bidding will be available online at Elite Livestock Auctions, in person in the Glenvale Room at Toowoomba Showground or by phone through the agents Nutrien Livestock.
- Sale begins 11:00 am on 5 September.
- Cattle will be delivered to Nutrien Livestock Holding Yards Toowoomba if requested by buyers. All cattle are available for viewing live at the vendors’ properties over the next two weeks or alternatively, videos and online catalogue are available of each Sale Lot at https://elitelivestockauctions.com.au/bid-now/#/sales/87940/lots
Please don’t hesitate to contact Colby Ede 0417 265980 or Andrew Costello 0429 485191 of Nutrien Livestock if you have any questions with regard to these changes, which are due to COVID 19 restrictions preventing NSW vendors from entering Queensland.
This message on behalf the Sale Committee, who take this opportunity to thank buyers from previous years for their support and wish the purchasers this year the best of luck. We are here to help in any way. This year has been particularly challenging, so don’t hesitate to contact any of the vendors regarding any concerns or queries. Thank you to the team at Nutrien Livestock Toowoomba for their help and support.